অনার্স দ্বিতীয় বর্ষ ২০২৩ বিভাগ Marketing Sub Business Statistics-1: 222305 রকেট স্পেশাল সাজেশন

A-Part [Answer any ten questions.]

  1. What is business statistics?
    Ans: Business Statistics is a science assisting us to make decis1on under uncertanties based on somne numerical and measurable scales.
    2.Define standard deviation.
    Ans: The standard deviation is the positive square root of the mean of the squared deviations from their mean ofa set of value.
  2. What is null hypothesis?
    Ans : The hypothesis about a Population Parameter we wish to test is called a null hypothesis.
  3. What do you mean by business forecasting?
    Ans: Busies formatives is Contained with predication of future Condition of basemen of the basis of past data.
  4. Define base year.
    Ans : Base year refers to the base point in time of a time series normally years divisible evenly by five are used as base year. In releases base year is noted for example on 2010 = 100 or 2015 100
  5. Define regression equation.
    Ans: The equations by which The regression lines are expressed algebraically are called regression equation.
  6. Define coefficient of correlation.
    Ans: Co-efficient of correlation is the measure of the strength of the linear relationship between two variables.
  7. What is index?.
  8. Define quartile.
    Ans: The quartiles that divide the data into 4 equal parts.
  9. What is frequency distribution?
    Ans: An organized display of data that shows the number of observations from the data set that falls into each of a set of mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive classes.
    11.(e) When AM, GM and HM are equal?
    Ans: When all of the variable of a distribution are equal then AM, GM and HM are equal.
  10. What is meant by dispersion.
    Ans: The distance of different values from the central value is called dispersion.
  11. Define frequeney density.
    Ans: Frequency density is the percentage of observation fall within each class in respect of their class width.
  12. Give the definition of index number.
    Ans: Index number may be defined as the ratio that measures how much a variable changes over time.
  13. What do you understand by regression?
    Ans: The general process of predicting one variable from another by statistical means, using previous data.
  14. What do you mean by central moment?
    Ans: Central moment are determined by the variations which are taken form the arithmetic mean.
  15. Find the geometric mean of the series 2, 4 and 8.
  16. What do you mean by classification of data?
    Anst Classification is the process of arranging data as collected by proper investigation in some groups or class in relation with definite. Characteristics Grouping of related facts into classes.
  17. What is primary data?
    Ans: Primary data that have been collected from the origin of the fields is called primery data.
  18. What is scatter diagram?
    Ans: Scatter diagram is the simplest method of finding out whether there is any relationship preset between two variables by plotting the values.
  19. What is least square method?
    Ans: The Special mathematical model that is used to construct trend is called least squares method.
  20. Which index number is ideal?
    Ans:Fisher Index number is Ideal
  21. What is dependent variable?
    Ans: The variable we are tring to preaict in regression analysis is called dependent variable.
  22. What is regression line?
    Ans: A line fitted to a set of data Point o estimate the relationship between two variables.
  23. Define Geometric mean.
    Ans : Geometric Mean is the root of the p oduct of nth Variables.
  24. When mode is ill defined?
    Ans: Ifa Series of observations has more than one mode then the mode is said to be ill defined mode.
  25. Write down the components of time series.
    Ans: The components of time series are (i) Trend (ii) Seasonal Variation (11) Cyclical Variation (iv) Irregular variation..
  26. What is stem and leaf display?
    Ans: Stem and leaf display is a statistical technique to present a set of data.
  27. What is cluster sampling?
    Ans: Cluster sampling is a method of random Sampling in which the Population is divided into groups.
  28. What is joint probability?
    Ans: The probability of two events occurring together or in succession is known as joint probability.
  29. Define ty II error?
    Ans: Type II error is the accepting a null hypothesis when it is false.
  30. What is BOX plot?
    Ans: Box plot is the graphical Presentation of Five number Summary.
  31. What is the mode of 4, 6, 8, 10, 6 and 12?
    Ans : 6.
  32. What is price index number?
    Ans: The Price Index measures the relative change in the retail or wholesale price level of any Particular Commodity or a group of commodities.
  33. When mean is 79 and variance is 64, find the value of co-efficient of variance.
  34. What is meant by r = +1, r=-1 and r = 0?
    Ans: The value ofr= +1, Means the perfect positive correlation.
    The value ofr =-1, Means called perfect Negative correlation.
    The value ofr = 0 Means called Zero (0) correlatioon.
  35. Define population.
    Ans: A population is the collection of all possible objects having certain characteristic under a study.
  36. What is Random Variable?
    Ans: Random variable is a variable whose values are determined by chance.
  37. Find the Geometric Mean of the series 2, 4 and 8.
  38. What is classification?
    Ans: Classification is the process of arranging data as collected by proper investigation in some grount or class in relation with definite. Characteristics Grouping of related facts into classes.
  39. Who is the father of modern statistics?
    Ans: AR Fisher.
  40. Define cumulative frequeney.
    Ans: A cumulative frequency distributiaon is the frequencies of class internal are added successivly from top to bottom & represent the cumulative number of observations less than or equal frequency.
  41. What is geographical classification?
    Ans: When data are classified on the basis of geographical or vocational differences between the various items it is called geographical classification.
  42. What do you mean by measures of variation?
    Ans : Measures variation are used to describe the distribution of the data. The range is the difference between the greatest and least data values.
  43. What is moment?
    Ans: A set of numerical descriptive measures whice can provide a unique characteristics of a distribution and hence can determine the distribution uiquely is called moments.
  44. Why is index number called economic barometer?
  45. Write the definition of continuous variable with example.
    Ans: Continuous variable is such variable which assume an infinite number of possible values normally obtained by measurement are continuous variable. such as x, y, z etc.
  46. Define mean deviation.
    Ans: Mean deviation is the arithmetic mean of the deviation of series computed from any measures of central tendency.
  47. What is variable?
    Ans: A discrete variable is a variable that can only take on a certain number of values.
  48. Find the harmonic mean of the series 3, 6, 9.
    Ans: Harmonic Mean 4.91.

B-Part [Answer any five questions.]

  1. Show the differences between primary and secondary data. 100%
  2. Describe the importance and uses of statistics. 100%
  3. What are the purposes of constructing index numbers? 100%
  4. Show the diference between Diagram and Graph. 100%
  5. Discuss the importance of statistics in business. 100%
  6. What are the properties ofa good measure of dispersion? 100%
  7. Distinguish between skewness and kurtosis. 99%
  8. Distinguish between inclusive and exclusive method. 99%
  9. Discuss the limitations of statistics. 99%
  10. Write the uses of index number. 99%
    C-Part [Answer any five questions.]
  11. (a)What do you mean by measures of dispersion? 100%
    (b) Distinguish between absolute and relative measures of dispersion. 100%
    2.(a) Explain the addition and the multiplication theorems of probability with examples. 100%
    (b) Why the value of probability cannot be more than one? 100%
  12. (a) What do you mean by measures of dispersion? 100%
    (b) Distinguish between absolute and relative measures of dispersion. 100%
  13. (a) Mention the significance of measuring dispersion. 100%
    (b) Why Standard Deviation is considered to be the best measure? 100%
  14. (a) Write down the significance of measuring correlation. 100%
    (b) Distinguish between price index and cost of living index. 100%
  15. (a) Distinguish between price index and cost of living index. 100%
    (b) State the addition and multiplication theory of probability. 100%
  16. (a) What are the method of collecting primary data? 100%
    (b) Distinguish between correlation and regression. 100%
  17. (a) Which measures of central tendency is the best and why? 99%
    (b) Distinguish between graph and diagram. 99%
  18. (a) Define correlation and regression. State their properties. 99%
    (b) Distinguish between correlation and regression. 99%
    10.(a) Distinguish between simple and weighted averages. 99%
    (b) Distinguish between absolute and relative measures of dispersion. 99%


Broad Question :
2019-No : 11,5,13,614,15,8,16. 2017-No : 3,16,6,11,17,4,13,12,14.
2015-No : 14,4,10,15,11,5,12,15,17. 2016-No : 5,11,3,9,8,12,15,16. 2018-No : 10,11,7,14,13,8,15,17,16.
Accounting Department : Board Questions 17-20.

পরবর্তী পরীক্ষার রকেট স্পেশাল সাজেশন পেতে হোয়াটস্যাপ করুন: 01979786079

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